What You Need to Know About the Pertussis Vaccine

Have you ever been told by your doctor that the pertussis vaccine (the “p” in DTaP & Tdap) can make you an asymptomatic carrier of whooping cough?

In 2013, an FDA study was published due to concern over the rising rates of whooping cough, which looked at the effectiveness of current acellular pertussis vaccines, Tdap, and DTaP.

It was titled, “Acellular pertussis vaccines protect against disease but fail to prevent infection and transmission in a nonhuman primate model.

What they did, was take two animals and vaccinate them with the pertussis vaccine. They placed them in an enclosure with an unvaccinated animal, then introduced to the group, another animal which had been infected with pertussis. What they found, is that while the two vaccinated animals presented no symptoms of whooping cough, they both became infected with pertussis bacteria, to the same degree of bacterial colonization as the unvaccinated animal.

They then hypothesized that vaccinated subjects who were infected with pertussis, could potentially transmit the bacteria to other subjects.

To test this, they took two vaccinated animals, infected them with pertussis, and placed them in separate cages. An unvaccinated animal was then introduced to each cage. Their hypothesis was confirmed. Both of the unvaccinated animals contracted pertussis from the asymptomatic, vaccinated animals.

Their conclusion? Due to the lack of symptoms, the number of vaccinated individuals who contract and transmit pertussis is unknown, and this failure of the pertussis vaccine is likely to be responsible for the resurgence of cases of whooping cough in the United States.

But there’s more.

Several other important studies have been published which support these findings.

A 2015 study focused on parents who attempt to “cocoon” their newborn babies by requesting that all relatives be vaccinated in order to protect their infants from whooping cough.

Their conclusion? It doesn’t work.

A 2014 study sought to determine which individuals were transmitting whooping cough to infants six months or younger. It was found that FULLY vaccinated siblings, aged 2-3 years, were the most important sources of infection for infants.

Research published in 2014 on the development of a live pertussis vaccine, plainly states, that, “acellular pertussis vaccines do not control pertussis”.

All of these findings are proven over and over again, by the outbreaks of whooping cough in populations with near-complete vaccine coverage or in fully vaccinated populations.

For example, the most recent pertussis outbreak in LA County last year, consisted of 90 cases. Every single one of those 90 individuals who had contracted whooping cough, had been vaccinated.

The pertussis vaccines given today have been in use since 1991.

That means it took 22 years and several hundreds of millions of doses of pertussis vaccines administered to infants, children, and adults, before the FDA began to investigate whether the vaccine was actually working to prevent infection, transmission, and outbreaks of whooping cough (in 2013).

It’s now been seven years since that study was published.

Why is this information not front page news?

Why are we not being told that the vaccine is ineffective?

And why are they still pushing an ineffective vaccine?

Most of us probably already know the answer: No one can know that the FDA, the CDC, and the HHS are pushing ineffective vaccines that put infants at risk…

…Because people might start questioning the entire vaccine program. As they should.

P.S. This doesn’t even cover the evidence of harm from these aluminum-containing vaccines, nor the DTP vaccine which contained both mercury and aluminum, and was in use for *decades* prior to it being discontinued due to a massive amount of lawsuits over it causing severe vaccine injuries.

AND in case you think we can trust the World Health Organization, just know that despite experts discovering that the DTP is literally killing children in developing nations as we speak (I know a family who lost their healthy 2 month old 10 hrs after receiving it, this past June – it actually increases mortality), the WHO continues to recommend its use in the rest of the developing world while it was discontinued here in the US in the mid 80s.


Acellular pertussis vaccines protect against disease but fail to prevent infection and transmission in a nonhuman primate model. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3896208/pdf/pnas.201314688.pdf

The impact of parental postpartum pertussis vaccination on infection in infants: A population-based study of cocooning in Western Australia. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26320420

Finding the ‘who’ in whooping cough: vaccinated siblings are important pertussis sources in infants 6 months of age and under. https://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/cda-cdi3803c.htm

Asymptomatic transmission and the resurgence of Bordetella pertussis:

A Phase I Clinical Study of a Live Attenuated Bordetella pertussis Vaccine. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0083449

Whooping cough outbreak on Long Island. https://abc7ny.com/archive/8203711/

Harvard-Westlake students were vaccinated. Dozens caught whooping cough anyway. https://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-ln-whooping-cough-vaccine-20190316-story.html

Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) payout: https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation/data/index.html

DTP increases mortality: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5868131/

Peter Aaby discusses his research on the DTP vaccine: https://youtu.be/NPNHYAevTwg

WHO recommends DTP: https://www.who.int/health-topics/pertussis#tab=tab_2

DTP Vaccine: https://www.who.int/immunization_standards/vaccine_quality/86_dtphib.pdf