This article contains various reasons to not vaccinate, with links to research. If you were starting a pros and cons list of vaccination, these would be some of the cons.
In summary, when you vaccinate, you risk incurring immediate adverse effects for no guarantee of protection from infectious diseases. You have weak legal recourse if or when you are adversely effected. You may actually contract the disease you were vaccinated for, or you may unknowingly transmit an infection to others, including children. You also increase your risk of contracting other infectious diseases, experiencing a severe injury, and developing a debilitating or degenerative chronic illness, or even death.
The following list is not comprehensive. Please contact me if there are any dead links:
Lack of accountability for vaccine manufacturers:
– Vaccine manufacturers are protected from liability when a vaccine injures your child. You cannot sue them for damages.
The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NCVIA or Act) created a no-fault compensation program to stabilize a vaccine market adversely affected by an increase in vaccine-related tort litigation and to facilitate compensation to claimants who found pursuing legitimate vaccine-inflicted injuries too costly and difficult.
– The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act created a Vaccine Injury Compensation Program [VICP] to compensate families of children who have been injured by vaccines. Over 4 billion dollars has been paid out through the VICP for vaccine injuries, including autism. It is exceedingly difficult to win a case in Vaccine Court and receive compensation. More on the VICP, here.
Vaccine failure: Lack of efficacy.
– Outbreaks occur in fully vaccinated populations (e.g. whooping cough and mumps).
– Merck is being sued for exaggerating efficacy of mumps vaccine.
– Immunity produced by vaccines has been found to decline sharply over a short period of time.
– Increasing number of doses (“boosters”) given in order to solve the problem. And yet, more boosters can end up increasing your risk of contracting the disease (above link).
– Vaccines made with live viruses can cause the very illness they were intended to prevent. E.g. You can contract measles from the vaccine.
– DTaP and Tdap vaccines can make the vaccinated asymptomatic carriers of infection upon contact with pertussis. (The above link has been removed, first by the FDA, and then by the NIH.)
– Vaccinated siblings are the biggest source of pertussis infection for infants. Waning immunity blamed for increased risk.
Vaccine “shedding”: Vaccinated persons can shed viruses and infect others.
– Chicken Pox (Varicella)
– Shingles (Varicella zoster)
– Measles (MMR)
– Mumps (MMR)
– Rubella (MMR): Live rubella virus can be swabbed from the nose of recently vaccinated individuals for 29 days (Merck MMR vaccine insert, page 5).
– Polio: Vaccinated man shed polio virus for almost 30 years.
– Hepatitis A.
Increased susceptibility to infectious disease:
– Influenza vaccine increases risk of respiratory infection.
– Combining vaccines increases risk of hospitalization associated with lower respiratory tract infections.
– Pertussis vaccine (DTaP & Tdap) increases risk of B. parapertussis infection.
Vaccines can cause serious adverse events or injury:
– Some of the admitted adverse events listed on vaccine package inserts: Guillain-Barre syndrome, seizure, encephalitis, encephalopathy, ataxia, polyneuropathy, aseptic meningitis, transverse myelitis, chronic arthritis, diabetes, pancreatitis, and death.
– Rotavirus vaccines increase risk of intussusception.
– The MMRV vaccine increases risk of seizure.
– Hepatitis B vaccine and tetanus toxoid vaccine may trigger the development of multiple sclerosis and chronic arthritis.
– Vaccines can cause demyelinating diseases (definition), including optic neuritis (inflammation of the optic nerve, which can cause loss of vision).
– Vaccines can trigger transverse myelitis, an autoimmune condition marked by inflammation of the spinal cord, which causes pain, weakness, paralysis, and more.
– Hep B vaccine can cause neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder. Symptoms include vision loss, numbness, loss of body control.
– Vaccines can trigger macrophagic myofaciitis (MMF), an autoimmune disease linked directly to aluminum adjuvants in Hep A, Hep B, and tetanus toxoid vaccines, which causes fatigue, pronounced, systemic weakness (asthenia), muscle pain (myalgia) and weakness, joint pain (arthralgia), and more.
– HPV vaccine can trigger neuropathy and dysautonomia.
– Oral polio vaccine, widely used in developing nations, can cause myelitis.
– Infant mortality in developed nations which require more vaccines, is higher.
– SIDS tends to occur more frequently following vaccines. 26% of SIDS cases occur within 3 days of vaccination, 70% occur within three weeks of vaccination (page 1424). It is not unusual for vaccine injuries to occur 2-3 weeks post-vaccination, since virus replication and stimulation of the immune system does not typically occur until 1-2 weeks post-vaccination. This also may be due to the highly delayed translocation of the aluminum adjuvant from the injection site to other organs of the body.
– While it is often claimed that vaccines do not cause autism, the research in question has focused only on the MMR vaccine, and thimerosal. In many other independent studies, vaccines have in fact been linked to autism (esp. MMR – CDC scientist blew whistle on fraudulent CDC study). More on the vaccine-autism link, here.
Ingredients in vaccines are at levels not proven to be safe and are linked to chronic diseases:
– Aluminum. Only potential safe injectable limit is referenced by the FDA at 4-5mcg/kg/day. For the average 2 month old, this calculates to 25mcg/day. Levels of aluminum in most vaccines far exceed this level. E.g. The Pediarix vaccine contains 850mcg aluminum. Aluminum causes neurological damage and is implicated in the pathogenesis of autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, autoimmune disorders, seizure disorder, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Watch “Injecting Aluminum“, a documentary on the health effects of aluminum-containing vaccines. Injected aluminum is far more toxic and damaging, than when ingested.
– Mercury. No safe injectable limit has been scientifically determined for ethylmercury. Mercury is still an ingredient in multi-dose flu and meningococcal vaccines. Mercury from injection of thimerosal via vaccine is deposited in the CNS and can cause neurological and mitochondrial damage. Low levels can cause developmental delays. Also linked to many chronic neurological and neurodegenerative illnesses. Trace Amounts is a documentary on the health effects of mercury-containing vaccines.
– MSG. Neurotoxic.
– Polysorbate 80. Has been used to enhance penetration of the blood brain barrier. May make CNS more susceptible to damage from neurotoxic substances in vaccines. Also suppresses the immune system response to toxic threats.
– Human aborted fetal cell DNA. Has been found to integrate into the vaccinated host genome and alter DNA. Potential mutagen.
– Contaminants. E.g. Other viruses. Viruses are grown on human or animal cells which may contain other human or mammalian viruses. These viruses cannot always be filtered out. E.g. SV40 virus found in polio vaccine which is linked to an increased risk of cancer.
Adverse events from vaccines are highly underreported:
– The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System [VAERS] receives 30,000 to 50,000 reports of adverse events each year, and can range from swelling and redness at the injection site, to seizure, intussusception, paralysis, neurological damage, or death.
– A report funded by the Department of Health and Human Services found that less than 1% of all vaccine adverse events are reported to the VAERS due to the lack of awareness of adverse events when they occur. In other words, medical professionals are not recognizing adverse events from vaccines and that is why over 99% of injuries and reactions do not get acknowledged or reported.
Accounting for this underreporting factor, there are actually around 3-5 million vaccine adverse events that occur each year in the US. Using HHS data, on average, 280 million doses of vaccines are administered each year. This represents a risk of an adverse event from occurring at 1-2 per 100 doses.
Considering the fact that children receive up to 70 doses of vaccines by the time they’re 18, the risk is around one adverse event per child during their first 18 years of life.
Genetic factors can make you more susceptible to injury:
– Research conducted by the National Institutes of Health discovered three genetic markers (or polymorphisms) which were linked to an increased risk of experiencing an adverse event from the smallpox vaccine. Two separate studies were performed to confirm their results. Mutations on the following genes were identified as being linked: MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase), IRF-1 (interferon regulatory factor 1) and IL4 (interleukin-4).
MTHFR mutations are fairly prevalent in most populations.
Genetic testing is available to see whether or not you may be at risk of adverse events from vaccines.
Again, this list is not comprehensive. When it comes to choosing not to vaccinate, there are also major benefits to your health, as well! At some point I’ll try to cover those. Thanks for reading, there may be more links below.
More References.
No liability:
No liability for vaccine manufacturers:
VICP data:
National Vaccine Information Center:
Vaccine-autism link:
– Positive association found between autism prevalence and childhood vaccination uptake across the U.S. population.
– Association between MMR vaccine-specific measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and CNS autoimmunity in children with autism.
– The mass of scientific evidence compiled by researchers clearly indicates that the incidence of autism occurs following vaccination and is most closely associated with the schedule of vaccines culminating in the MMR vaccine.
– Whistleblower statement:
Vaccine Failure:
Pertussis outbreak in fully vaccinated population:
Mumps outbreak in fully vaccinated population:
Merck being sued for exaggerating efficacy:
FDA study on vaccinated persons & being asymptomatic carriers of pertussis:
Measles in recently vaccinated child:
Vaccine Shedding:
Rotavirus vaccine shedding:
Vaccine associated measles:
Varicella (chicken pox) vaccine shedding:
Rubella virus can be swabbed 29 days post-vaccination (page 5):
Vaccinated man shed polio for 30 years:
Increased susceptibility to infectious diseases:
Flu vaccine ineffective and increases risk of respiratory infection:
Pertussis vaccination can create hosts more susceptible to B. parapertussis infection:
Vaccines can cause serious adverse events:
DTaP triggers transverse myelitis:
Hep B causes neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder:
Post-Vaccination encephalitis (known to happen since the 30s):
Infant mortality, SIDS, and vaccination:
CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Update: Vaccine Side Effects, Adverse Reactions, Contraindications, and Precautions: (top of page 12, bottom of page 14)
Vaccine ingredients:
Aluminum content in vaccines and FDA limit explained (with links):
Aluminum – implications for neurological disease:
Aluminum hydroxide injections lead to motor neuron degeneration:
Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants(ASIA):
Autoimmunity following Hepatitis B vaccination (aluminum adjuvant induced):
Aluminum induced immunoexcitotoxicity in neurological and neurodegenerative disorders:
A possible central mechanism in autism spectrum disorders, Part 1. Immunoexcitotoxicity of aluminum and mercury via vaccines:
Pediarix Vaccine Insert:
Mercury in vaccines (with references):
MSG neurotoxic:
Polysorbate 80 suppresses of the immune system:
Polysorbate 80 used to help other compounds cross BBB:
Human fetal cell DNA potentially mutagenic:
Contaminant SV40: