Physician letter written to CDC and FDA regarding serious adverse events in vaccinated patients, in September, was ignored. Law firm Siri & Glimstad send follow up letter requesting immediate response:
A few of the patients and events described:
“An otherwise healthy patient under age 40 developed low back pain and had an episode of urinary incontinence after receiving a Covid-19 vaccine. The day after the second dose, the patient felt numbness and tingling down one leg. The symptoms rapidly progressed such that a few days later, patient was admitted to the hospital for bilateral leg paralysis. MRI showed transverse myelitis. Weekly follow-up imaging showed that the process continued to worsen and ascend, despite maximal medical therapy. Eventually patient became quadriplegic, blind and had a tracheostomy placed. Patient developed autonomic dysfunction (irregular heart rate and hypotension) and became cognitively impaired.”
“A generally healthy patient in the early seventies, with no smoking history or prior lung disease, received a Covid-19 vaccine and developed generalized malaise with a poor appetite and a new cough. According to the spouse, patient lost >15 lbs during this time period. The cough worsened over the course of the next month and the patient was hospitalized. CT scan of the chest showed bilateral diffuse ground-glass opacities, typical of COVID pneumonia. However, patient was COVID negative on repeated testing. Patient clinically deteriorated and required intubation. Bronchoscopy with aiveolar iavage was positive for Pneumocystis Pneumonia,a rare opportunistic infection which typically only afflicts the severely irnrnunosuppressed such as AIDS ortransplant patients. Patient developed rnuiti organ system faiture.”
“A man in his eariy sixties received the Covid-19 vaccine and developed dizziness which worsened overtime, He had no smoking history and was othewise healthy. On the day of hospital admission, patient experienced sudden neurologic deterioration and required intubation for airway protection. Imaging studies ofthe head showed cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. CVST is a very rare type of stroke,estimated by Johns Hopkins to occur 5 per mililon per year, with a female to male ratio Of 3:1. Over 85% of the patients had at least one identifiable risk factor, such as prothrombotic state, use of oral contraceptives, malignancy Or infectiono My patient had zero risk factors, other than the fact that he had been vaccinated against COVID-19.”
Source: Siri & Glimstad